Archive for Sound

How to Find Sound Leaks

January 23, 2024
How to Find Sound Leaks

Soundproofing your home does more than create a peaceful and private environment — installing acoustic insulation materials can actually boost property value and even improve energy efficiency. These materials help make your home more peaceful while offering insulation, meaning you’ll spend less on energy bills and enjoy a far more tranquil environment. Residential soundproofing comes with […]

Blocking Traffic Noise From Busy Roads

December 15, 2023
Blocking Traffic Noise from Busy Roads

Busy street noise is one of the most obvious and most frustrating forms of noise pollution. From honking cars to construction, road noise can be absolutely maddening. If you live in an urban area, street noise can even interfere with your sleep and ability to concentrate. Keep reading for the best ways to block out traffic […]

Steps to Soundproof a Toilet

October 20, 2023
Steps to Soundproof a Toilet

With some toilet flushes reaching over 76 decibels, these are some of the loudest parts of your home. Whether you need to focus on work or school or remove this disruption from your sleep routine, learning how to soundproof a toilet is worthwhile. Here’s how to make flushes more discreet at all times of the […]

How to Soundproof a Backyard Office Shed

October 12, 2023
How to Soundproof a Backyard Office Shed

If you work from home or need an office in your home, a backyard office shed is a great choice. A backyard office shed is a functional workspace that contributes to a healthy work-life balance, giving you a separate area to be productive, away from the distractions of the main house. You can soundproof your […]

Acoustic Panels for Interior Designers

September 15, 2023
Acoustic Panels for Interior Designers

As an interior designer, you probably have a laundry list of considerations for your commercial or residential space. Budget, lighting, flooring, furnishings and color schemes are all key aspects to think about as you create a cohesive, comfortable and visually pleasing space. Proper sound absorption is another essential factor to account for. Excess noise can […]

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