bar taps and drinks

Bar & Lounge Soundproofing

Is your bar suffering from poor sound quality?

Your bar is a social spot. People come together to enjoy each others company and meet new friends. If you offer live music, it's a place to rock out. If your bar has poor acoustics, it isn't serving its purpose as well as it could be. Patrons have to raise their voices to compete over the noise of the crowd. The music quality of the live band is poor. And your business could be suffering. Time and time again, we receive calls from bar owners referencing complaints like these. It's only after they install our lounge and bar soundproofing materials do they realize the real impact poor sound quality had on their business.

Poor sound quality means poor business.

Did you know noise is the second most common complaint made by restaurant goers?* Right after service, sound quality is what your customers use to determine if they’ll be back or will recommend you to their friends. * survey, The Audiology Awareness Campaign   You’ve invested in friendly servers and a beautiful décor. All of it will be wasted if patrons avoid your bar because it’s too noisy to enjoy.

How loud is it, really?

Noise levels in bars without proper lounge and bar soundproofing materials averaged between that of city traffic (85 decibels) and power saws (109 decibels). Definitely not appealing. During the rush times, it can be even worse. Some lounges registered sound levels as high as 10 decibels over the human tolerance level. Noise levels become a problem when customers begin competing over each other to be heard. Your bar is no longer a good place to meet up with friends and hang out. And you lose business.

What can proper Lounge and Bar Soundproofing do for your business?

• Preserve your bar’s ambiance, which will attract more patrons • Give customers the best experience possible, encouraging them to return • Reduce ordering errors so your customers leave happy • Promote health and safety of the workplace, making it easier to retain talented employees • Uphold OSHA guidelines and local ordinances, establishing your bar as a premier gathering place • Noise issues can be the make-you-or-break-you of your lounge. Several cities have begun rating restaurants not just on food and service quality, but the noise volume as well. Good sound quality is essential to a healthy bar business.

Lounge and Bar Soundproofing vs. Sound Absorption: What's the Difference?

Lounge and bar sound absorption products soak up sound. They absorb sound waves and prevent them from bouncing back off the walls. Most lounges have echo problems. Sound bounces off walls, ceilings and floors. This makes unwanted background noise and muffles voices. Sound absorption products help to make individual voices clear. By reducing the sound that is echoed off the walls, there is less background noise. And your patrons are able to hear each other better. Lounge and bar soundproofing products trap the sound. They contain the sound in one location, making it impossible for the sound to move from one space to another. Lounge and bar soundproofing materials trap the noise and stop it from entering other areas of the restaurant. Overall, lounge and bar soundproofing materials keep the noise contained in the space it should be. Often, bar soundproofing problems need both types of products. Especially if your business is in a residential part of town or you host live bands and large crowds. The lounge and bar soundproofing materials keep the sound inside the space you want. You won’t have to worry about noise complaints from neighbors. And the sound absorption products on the interior walls improve sound quality and performance.

Bar & Lounge Soundproofing2018 study of over 3,000 bars and restaurants in New York City found that a significant number of these venues are so loud that you can’t carry on a conversation and that owners often underestimate just how loud their establishments are. When it came to bars, in particular, 31% were considered loud, and 60% were very loud, meaning they reached dangerous sound levels. It’s clear that bar and lounge owners have a problem on their hands. Luckily, certain soundproofing solutions can help.

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Bar and Lounge Soundproofing Products

Bar and Lounge Sound Absorption Products

Reasons to Soundproof a Bar or Lounge

So, why should you consider soundproofing your bar? When you add soundproofing, you can combat the issue of echoing that is common in bars, create a better environment for conversation and enhance the acoustics for live music.

1. Combat Echoing

Noise has become a bigger problem in bars today partly because of trending design preferences. Modern bars and lounge design styles often include a lot of smooth, hard surfaces such as metal, glass and wood. The problem with these materials is that they cause sound waves to bounce off of them and travel, leading to a loud, echoey environment. Other modern features like exposed ductwork and open kitchens can also contribute to the problem of noise traveling throughout your facility.

When you add soundproofing solutions to the design of your bar, you can make sure that unwanted or excess noise is absorbed, rather than bounced around the room, creating less echo.

2. Facilitate Conversation

When background noise in a bar becomes overwhelming, it can be nearly impossible to carry on a conversation with someone sitting next to or across from you. A British survey found that older people and those with hearing loss tend to factor in noise levels when choosing a pub and will leave early if a pub is excessively noisy. You don’t want customers to become frustrated and move to another bar or lounge so they can talk.

Adding soundproofing to your bar allows your customers to talk with one another, which encourages them to stay longer and buy more food and drinks.

3. Enhance Live Music

If you host live music at your bar or lounge, you should seriously consider soundproofing your facility. A loud, echoey environment is going to hurt the sound quality of bands and singers and may force you to turn up the volume to overpower all the background noise, which can make your music uncomfortably loud. Soundproofing can greatly improve sound quality for live music and can even allow you to confine music to one room if you want.

Steps to Soundproof Your Bar or Lounge

There are three basic steps to soundproofing a bar or lounge. First, you need to understand the problems you’re up against, then you need to install bar soundproofing systems to block noise and other products to absorb noise

1. Identify the Problem

Every facility is different, so it’s a good idea to take a close look — or listen — in your bar to identify the main problems. Do you need to keep sound from traveling from a bar to a dining area? Do you need to cut down on echoing problems? Understanding the problem can help you find the right solutions.

If you’re building a new bar or lounge, you should consult an expert who can look at your plans and make you aware of potential noise issues. This way, you can head them off from the start.

2. Install Soundproofing Systems

Soundproofing systems are intended to trap or block sound so it doesn’t bleed from one room or area into the next. In other words, they are barriers that keep noise contained. These systems typically go inside or on top of walls or on the ceiling.

This is a great option when you have a separate bar area that tends to be noisier, and you want to keep the sound from bleeding into your otherwise quieter dining area. It can also be a great way to make a private party room feel more private or to keep music contained in a live music area. It can also keep sound in your bar from affecting other businesses located in the same building.

Install Soundproofing Systems

3. Add Sound Absorption Products

Sound absorption products can help you cut down on the echoey or noisy feel in your bar. Unlike hard surfaces that cause sound waves to bounce off and travel, these materials are softer and more porous, so they hold onto sound waves. Some materials, like carpet, naturally absorb sound better than hard surfaces. However, this doesn’t mean you have to carpet your lounge — you can just install products specifically designed to absorb sound.

These sound absorption products typically come in the form of acoustic panels. These panels can blend in with the background, either on the wall or near the ceiling, or they can provide a pop of artistic flair to your space. Either way, they can go a long way toward reducing background noise.

Soundproofing Products You Can Use to Soundproof Your Bar

At Soundproof Cow, we have a wide selection of products that can help you soundproof your bar or lounge. These products include:

  • IsoTrax® Soundproofing SystemThis system is one of the best you’ll find for serious soundproofing. It combines various materials to stop sound in its tracks. This system is made to be part of a wall, either interior or exterior, and will keep sound from bleeding through.
  • Quiet Barrier® HD soundproofing compositeThis composite material combines a one-inch-thick layer of acoustic grade foam and a 1/4-inch soundproofing barrier to trap sound and keep it from traveling throughout your facility. It’s flexible and easy to install anywhere.
  • Art acoustic panelsSoundproof Cow’s art acoustic panels are cleverly disguised as works of art with your custom graphics. These panels absorb sound to cut down on echoing and background noise in your bar and can help you add a personal touch to your decor.
  • Hanging baffles: You can hang these baffles, a type of acoustic panel, from walls or ceilings to help absorb sound waves traveling throughout your bar. This is a great option if you need bar ceiling soundproofing solutions or you want an easy way to cut down on noise.
  • Echo absorber™This sound-absorbing material is exceptionally affordable. It is comprised of 80% recycled cotton fibers, making it an eco-friendly option. You can attach this lightweight material to all sorts of surfaces to reduce noisiness in your bar or lounge.
  • Standard fabric wrapped acoustic panels: These fabric-covered acoustic panels range in size and color, so you can choose the best option for your lounge. These panels absorb sound that would otherwise bounce off of walls, floors and other surfaces in your facility.

Soundproofing Solutions From Soundproof Cow

To learn more about soundproofing options for your bar or lounge, visit our online store where you can navigate to all sorts of sound solutions. With the right soundproofing products, your lounge or bar can become the talk of the town and a place where the town can actually hear themselves talk!

Soundproofing Solutions from Soundproof Cow

Soundproof Other Spaces

Apartment Building
Band Practice
Bar & Lounge
Broadcast Studio
Call Center
Church & Worship
Clean Room
Condo & Townhouse
Conference Room
Dance Studio
Dog Kennel & Daycare
Equipment Room
Food Preparation Area
Food Processing Facility
Garage Band
Gun & Firing Range
Home Theater
Hotel Soundproofing
Machine Shop
Manufacturing Facility
Mechanical Room
Municipal Buildings
Music Room
Night Club
Recording Studio
Server Room
Sports Venue
Weight Room & Fitness Center


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