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How to Build a Soundproof Room Within a Room

October 05, 2021
How to Build a Soundproof Room Within a Room

Have you ever wanted to reduce the noise coming from outside or the next room over into your bedroom, office or studio? Specific techniques and products can help you reduce the noise in a room. If you truly want a room to be soundproofed and have no disturbance from the outside world, you may need […]

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How Soundproofing Benefits Auditory Learners

August 24, 2017
How Soundproofing Benefits Auditory Learners

People learn in different ways. Some people learn by doing, others learn by seeing and a unique few learn by listening. Teachers may employ different lessons to engage these varied learning styles, but most overlook a simple solution for auditory learners — soundproofing. Here, we’ll outline some basic insight into the different learning styles, as well […]

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December 02, 2015

I just wanted to let you know that in the end, sealing the air spaces on this door worked just fine and took care of the problem. I really appreciate you taking so much time to share your expertise with me, and in particular recommending I try the simpler solution before investing in more expensive […]

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Noise-Canceling Headphones

December 19, 2019
noise cancelling headphones

What do you do when you’ve got a million tasks, but colleagues are distracting you with their conversations? Or when you’re trying to sleep, but your neighbor is conducting a heavy metal concert next door? Before you send a shoe flying through their window, think about investing in some noise-canceling headphones. They’re a portable and […]

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How to Improve Audio Quality on Zoom Meetings

August 18, 2020
How to Improve Audio Quality on Zoom Meetings

With more people starting to work from home, Zoom and other video conference sites are becoming an increasingly popular way to keep in touch and conduct meetings or interviews remotely. One downside of working remotely is the noise you may end up encountering in your surroundings. Whether it’s the noise of children when you’re at […]

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