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Home Renovation Projects for 2024: Soundproofing Your Home

February 02, 2024
home renovation projects - soundproofing

Most home renovations can be significant undertakings that require a lot of planning, time and effort. But soundproofing is a relatively simple project that benefits both the performance and appeal of your home. Soundproofing homes has been on the rise in recent years as more people want to create peaceful, quiet spaces. Whether it’s blocking […]

How to Find Sound Leaks

January 23, 2024
How to Find Sound Leaks

Soundproofing your home does more than create a peaceful and private environment — installing acoustic insulation materials can actually boost property value and even improve energy efficiency. These materials help make your home more peaceful while offering insulation, meaning you’ll spend less on energy bills and enjoy a far more tranquil environment. Residential soundproofing comes with […]

How to Soundproof a Kid’s Playroom 

January 19, 2024
How to Soundproof a Kid's Playroom

Kids love having a dedicated place to play — and parents love it too. With a playroom in your home, you can keep all of your little ones’ toys in one space where they can have fun while you keep the rest of the home clutter-free. As convenient as a dedicated playroom can be, most […]

Ways to Reduce Noise in Open-Plan Houses

January 05, 2024
Ways to Reduce Noise in Open-Plan Houses

Open floor plans create a sense of architectural connectivity while helping those inhabiting it feel more connected. Wherever you sit or stand in an open room, you’ll have a direct line of sight and communication with others inside. As advantageous as open floor plans can be, they also present some acoustic challenges. In this post, […]

Guide to Acoustic Ceiling Clouds

January 02, 2024
Guide to Acoustic Ceiling Clouds

You might be familiar with acoustic wall panels and their benefits in sound absorption. Acoustic ceiling clouds serve a similar purpose and are equally effective. The panel facing absorbs sounds on both sides, compared to wall panels that only absorb on the face of the panel. They offer an increased sound control from an elevated angle. We’ve […]

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