If you’ve ever been to a recording studio or radio station, you may have noticed that creating the perfect sound sometimes means focusing on form rather than aesthetics. The walls in many studios are lined with grey fabric panels or plain foam. If the idea of plain or unattractive paneling has kept you from properly soundproofing your business or home, you’ll be glad to learn that you have other options — including our decorative acoustic panels.
What Are Decorative Soundproofing Panels?
Decorative sound absorption solutions from Soundproof Cow don’t require you to sacrifice style for silence. These innovative products are made from high-quality soundproofing materials designed to absorb sound, but they’re also attractive enough to show off. Choose from:
- Art acoustic panels: Art acoustic panels are made to order, so you can use any image you love to make your home more beautiful and comfortable. Using DyeFusion™ technology, we place your image on fabric-wrapped acoustic panels which are engineered to reduce echoes and absorb sounds. These panels are perfect solutions for your home, office or business.
- Udderly Quiet® Fabric Acoustic Panels and Clouds: Our fabric-wrapped acoustic panels and clouds can be customized with any fabric you like. You can match your fabric to your décor or create a beautiful look by pairing panels of contrasting (or complementary) colors together.
- EccoTone™ Acoustic Wood Panels: EccoTone™ Acoustic Wood Panels are a unique decorative soundproofing solution. These panels can be made with a range of finish, size, veneer and pattern options, so you can match them to furniture pieces or to existing woodwork in a room. These panels can be used to cover walls or ceilings or can be suspended as baffles or clouds to absorb sound. The design team at Soundproof Cow can even customize your panels to a specific pattern. With a Class A Flammability rating and USA-made sustainable materials, these panels work well in just about any setting.
While these are the most decorative options, we also offer solutions that are not as visible. For example, underlayment provides an invisible barrier of sound absorption between floors and ceilings. Another option is to use foam and traditional acoustic products, but with textured surfaces for visual interest.
If you’re really interested in style, though, acoustic decorative panels offer the most flexibility and sophistication when it comes to soundproofing. Plus, these solutions can be customized to work with your interiors.
Learn More About Decorative Soundproofing Solutions
For your home or business, Soundproof Cow offers a range of functional, attractive soundproofing options. Why? We think it’s just bull to have to choose one or the other.
Take a look at our options for decorative soundproofing today. If you need more help choosing the right products for you, feel free to call us at 1-866-949-9269 or contact us online to find out more from our friendly, honest team. There aren’t many soundproofing challenges we haven’t faced, and we’re happy to help you find a solution that offers peace of mind without sacrificing appearances.