Acoustic Panels vs. Acoustic Foam

Table of Contents: Acoustic Panels Soundproof Foam When to Use Acoustic Panels Acoustic Panel Benefits When to Use Acoustic Foam Acoustic Foam Benefits Soundproofing can seem like a daunting subject to explore. However, if you want to experience better acoustics for your specific needs, soundproofing is the way to achieve it. As you consider different […]
How to Soundproof a Chicken Coop

There’s plenty of value in owning chickens, and many rural and suburban residents choose to do so. While your chickens provide multiple benefits like a steady supply of healthy eggs and free, natural fertilizer for your garden, they cock-a-doodle-do create a lot of noise. If you or your neighbors are growing tired of the early […]
Tips for Blocking out Snoring Noises

A good night’s sleep is one of the simplest joys in life, but sharing a home can present a few obstacles that prevent you from drifting off. Fortunately, there’s hope for those with a snoring partner to reclaim their restful hours. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons for snoring and the best […]
8 Tips for Reducing Sound Transfer Between Hotel Rooms

When guests book a room in your hotel, they depend on you to provide a peaceful place to rest for the night. Having a private room may not be enough for your guests to feel comfortable if neighboring noises permeate their walls during their stay. To ensure a pleasant customer experience, hotels need soundproofing solutions […]
Loud HVAC Unit Causes

Relaxing with the family, watching a movie or finishing a home recording can be tricky when appliances like your HVAC system won’t pipe down. Fortunately, many sources of HVAC noise are within your control. Let’s take a look at some of the most common sources of HVAC noise and discuss ways to minimize their effects. […]