How to Hang Acoustic Foam

When you imagine a room where acoustic foam is needed, you’ll likely first think of a recording studio. Sound is of utmost importance for recording artists, so they use acoustic foam dampeners to try to control it. Acoustic foam reduces residual sound by dampening smaller, unwanted noises like echoes or general room noise, giving recording artists […]
How to Build a Soundproof Room Within a Room

Have you ever wanted to reduce the noise coming from outside or the next room over into your bedroom, office or studio? Specific techniques and products can help you reduce the noise in a room. If you truly want a room to be soundproofed and have no disturbance from the outside world, you may need […]
What Are the Loudest Musical Instruments?

People of all ages enjoy listening to the soothing sounds of instruments playing together harmoniously. Many musicians spend hours practicing every day so they can become masters of their art form. There are so many instruments that create beautiful sounds, but many of them can be loud. If you’ve ever noticed the seating arrangement of […]
How to Soundproof Your Food Truck

Are you a proud new owner of a food truck? Congratulations! Food trucks offer a fun and unique way to start a restaurant business. However, before you begin serving, there’s one piece of maintenance you need to do — soundproof your food truck generator. Why Do You Need to Soundproof Your Food Truck? Your food truck generator […]
What Are Soundproof Pods?

Do you ever need to get away from the noise that surrounds you throughout the day? Finding a place to immerse yourself in silence is tough while at the office, but there is a solution — soundproof pods. With soundproof pods placed throughout an office or building, people can get away from all the noise […]